WordPress Develop and Design: Easy Tips

Your client isn’t only looking for developers to hire but WordPress designers for hire too. This is a sound decision on their part because a good developer should really also have good common sense when it comes to the design of a site. The design is important because it is how users are going to judge the site – not by coding! If you are in need of a few tips though, no worries. We have the simplest ideas that make all the difference when implemented into your design.

Always develop so that the design is responsive

A good developer is going to ensure that the design of a site is optimized to as many potential users as possible.  Your client will be pleased to know that your design enables their site to be accessible across all devices and browsers. Test that any of your developments are compatible with different browsers and that the design is mobile friendly too.

White Space

Here is a real winning tip that is so unbelievably easy to apply and has an incredibly powerful affect: utilizing white space effectively. Having a well-used white space is certainly eye catching and appealing. It also makes the overall appearance of the site look better. Best of all it improves readability which in turn adds to the quality of your content. Amazing what something so simple can do for your design!

Make connecting easy

This is imperative on a site that offers membership, emails and subscription, but is also a must for any site that enables comments and uploads as well. A client on the prowl for WordPress developers for hire is most likely going to question how your design will bring in new users and keep existing ones satisfied.  Well, you want it to be super easy for a user to complete a membership form and to subscribe, and you want any uploads and downloads to be smooth and straightforward. Why? Because these are the ways in which the users are engaged and make an effort to connect to your site, so they are vital to the design.

Be on Point

There is absolutely no point to all of the above tips if you have no idea about what current user trends are. Be informed about what is on the market and what is doing well or starting to catch on. You can bet that your client will be eternally grateful for this knowledge, and it is a wonderful weapon to have in your design arsenal too.